30 Kasım 2011 Çarşamba

Effects of War

We had many wars in the past but especially world wars were the biggest in history. Both World War 1 and World War 2 were similar to each other with their reasons to happen and their reasons.

First of all, I want to talk about reasons of these wars. Competition between big countries like Great Britain and Germany in imperialism, racist diplomacies in other countries and civil wars prepared an atmosphere for a war which spread to whole world.

When we see the results of these huge wars, we see nothing. Dead bodies, disabled people, blood and
smell of powder are results of this complexity. As a result, millions of people died, millions of people lost his organ and become disabled.

Especially, atom bombs which threw to Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the most destructive effect of the World War 2. Atom bomb is a bomb that it can show effect in a wide area. Because of this, everybody whether he is guilty of war or innocent affected from this bomb. Many people died and it continues to show its effect even today. Many Japanese people are born disabled. For me, this is a guilt of humanity.

Killing people because of such a silly war, damaging innocent people is a guilt for humanity in my opinion. Because of these reasons I am against war. Because of these I don't want any people continue to die. I believe there must be another solutions to solve a crysis or conflicts between countries and races. If everybody take a step for peace, we can have more peaceful world. No one will die, children will stop crying. To end war, I am ready to do what I can. War protests, collecting signatures, making surveys are the classical but the most effective ways to make people heard your voice.

Finally, if you want to more peaceful and happy world, join me and start to make world better place.     
You can the find video here.

1 yorum:

  1. Arda-- the contrast between what I think of Metallica and the point that you make about peace is intresting. Keep up the good work.
